Hey, I'm Rukshan, and looking forward to supporting your data science education even more in 2024!


Now, you can join my Neural Networks and Deep Learning Course, the first ever on Medium! 🥇

My education and experience

I completed my Bachelor's (B.Sc.) degree in Industrial Statistics & Financial Mathematics in 2021.

I'm a Data Science Writer with over 3 years of experience.

My favorite programming language is Python and I have 2 years plus experience in using Python and its libraries for data science-related tasks.

I started my data science writing journey with simple NumPy arrays and now I'm talking about neural networks!

My Achievements on Medium

Read this article to see my achievements as a data science/AI/ML writer on Medium.

My favorite writing topics

I often write on Artificial Intelligence which is one of the top writer tags on Medium and also a broad topic. Some of my popular writing topics are:

My writing partner

Here is my writing partner. When I write, he jumps to my writing table, walks on my laptop keyboard and writes some arbitrary characters. So, he is my writing partner! 😍

Benefits of reading my work

From writing the topic to hitting the publish button, I carefully plan every detail of my articles. Here are some unique benefits of my writing:

Everything is explained in plain English so that everyone can understand!

I use simple, but effective diagrams (created by me) to explain complex things. So, everyone can understand!

I categorize my articles under unique topics using the Medium list feature. So, you can find your favorite topics in one place and learn in-depth! Here are my lists!

You can learn and practice state-of-the-art tools and technologies used in data science, machine learning and deep learning.

You can get hands-on experience. All code samples, datasets and outputs are included!

I start with fundamentals and go into the deep. Don't worry about prerequisites. I include my own prerequisites.

I first explain the intuition behind algorithms and then move to the mathematical parts of them.

You can get quick responses to your questions asked in the comment section.

I do topic research thoroughly. So, my articles are unique.

I organize my contents in a way that the content efficiency is close to 100%. So, you can get the most out of my writing.

My face photo (AI vs non-AI)

I like Artifiical Interlligince (AI). So, I modified my face photo with an AI algorithm (see left). My actual photo is on right. 😊

My writing frequency

I prefer quality over quantity. Therefore, I can only write about 7-10 articles per month.

Subscribe to my email list and never miss an article from me.

Other ways to connect with me



Kindly support my writing

I hope you enjoyed my writing. If you’d like to support me as a writer, kindly consider signing up for a membership to get unlimited access to Medium. It only costs $5 per month and I will receive a portion of your membership fee.

Alternatively, you may kindly consider making a small donation here.

Thank you so much for your continuous support!

Happy learning to everyone!

2023–06–23 (last updated)

Medium member since January 2025
Editor of Data Science 365
Rukshan Pramoditha

Rukshan Pramoditha

3,000,000+ Views | BSc in Stats (University of Colombo, Sri Lanka) | Top 50 Data Science, AI/ML Technical Writer on Medium